Spiritual Education

The Sunday School program at St. John Lutheran Church is for ages 3 though 5th grade.  Our youth learn about the Bible by listening to stories, participating in activities, and making crafts. We follow the Church calendar, and use a variety of curriculum. The youth library is full of books, and there is a big screen TV to watch videos. Our students have the opportunity to perform for both the Christmas and Easter services with the children's singing choir and hand bell choir. Classes meet the first and third Sunday of the month, beginning in September through May. Join us for fun and Christian education!

St. John Lutheran Church participates in a three-year confirmation instruction program for 6-8th grade school students. This is a shared confirmation ministry with the nearby Cedarburg ELCA congregations of Faith, Trinity, Immanuel and Advent. The group gathers at Trinity Lutheran Church in Cedarburg, where the church's basement has been recently remodeled as a youth room and recreational area. 

The program currently uses ELCA material from Augsburg/Fortress publishing house called "Here We Stand," an adjustable 2-3 year program.  The first two years cover both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, while the third year centers on Luther's Small Catechism, issues and faith basics, such as the Ten Commandments, Apostle's Creed and the Lord's Prayer among others.  Classes are led on a rotating basis by the pastors of the participating churches, who are all present at each session.

A Sunday morning adult education group meets after worship to learn and better understand topics of faith. The group has studied basic Lutheran teachings, such as portions of Luther's Small Catechism, the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer and the Parables of Jesus. Religious films such as "Luther" and "The Nativity Story" have been watched and discussed. This adult group is led by Pastor Jim and occasional guest speakers. 

The St. John lunch Bible study meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 12:00 noon until 2:00 p.m. at Flipside Restaurant, Cheyenne Avenue and Highway 60 in Grafton. First we eat together, usually in the back room for the 1st hour. 2nd hour is devoted to reading and discussing the Scripture lessons for the following Sunday, in the yearly reading cycle. Our gathering is a time of fellowship and healthy sharing of thoughts and questions. There are usually some 8 or so people who gather for lunch. Feed your body and your spirit when you join with us to discuss scripture and spiritual matters! Open to any who wishes to come!

Each Thursday morning a group of adults meet at 10:00 a.m. in the church library for 1-1/2 hours to read and discuss a particular book of the Bible, chapter by chapter. The group is currently studying the Gospel of John. This group is open to all adults who wish to participate. 

Women's Bible Study Circles

Women's Bible Study Circles at St. John Lutheran Church in Grafton, have a long, rich history of studying God's Word. There are currently three different study circles that meet at different times once a month, with each group studying the same lesson. If someone can't meet during their group's regular time, they are welcome to attend another of the study groups that month. The study is based on the lessons from the monthly ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) women's magazine called Gather. There is no cost to attend the Bible Study Circles, however a worship offering is collected at each meeting and donated to the Women of the ELCA (WELCA) chapter at St. John to be used for various projects and mission support throughout the year. Each Bible study circle is open and welcomes new members at any time. For more information about women's Bible study call the St. John Church office at: 262-377-0410


The Mary Martha Bible Study Circle consists of a group four women who meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am in Cedarburg at the home of circle member, Pat Lampe. The group meets monthly from September through April and finishes off with a lunch gathering at a local restaurant in May. Each month refreshments are provided by a circle member on a rotation basis. Refreshments, fellowship and conversation are enjoyed at the beginning of each meeting followed by the Bible study led by circle member, Joan Horsefield. Fellowship and care for each other is a very important part of Mary Martha Circle.

At one time Bible study circles were meeting in the evening. Sarah Bible Study Circle was formed to serve women who wanted to meet for study during the day. There are currently nine members of Sarah Circle with attendance averaging six to nine women each month. The women meet on the second Monday of each month at 1:00pm during the months of September through May. The Bible Study is lead by a different woman each month; however, no one is obligated to lead if they aren't comfortable doing so. The study takes approximately one hour to complete. The group meets in the library at St. John Lutheran Church. Sarah Circle welcomes new members at any time.

Grace Bible Study Circle, the newest circle at St. John Lutheran Church having formed in early 2018, meets in the church library on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 am during the months of September through May. The study is completed in approximately 1-1/2 hours. This is a self-led group with no assigned leader. The hope of Grace Circle is to Grow in Faith and Grow in Grace.