
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) is the women’s ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Through various program areas, Women of the ELCA’s community of women provide services in their churches, communities, and the world.
The WELCA organization at St. John Lutheran Church is committed to doing ministry in the name of Jesus Christ by:

  • Providing three Bible Study Circle opportunities for women to study scripture and share their faith stories
  • Supporting a Quilting Ministry to make and distribute quilts to those in need
  • Participating in an annual Thank Offering promotion to financially support the purposes of the organization locally and nationally
  • Raising money for blankets to be donated to the Lutheran World Relief program for distribution to the needy
  • Comforting the grieving by providing and serving coffee and desserts at Funeral Receptions
  • Fundraising throughout the year to carry out the ministry of WELCA as well as providing fellowship in the process

As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action and promote healing and wholeness in the church.

For more information: https://www.womenoftheelca.org/

Quilting Ministry

St John Lutheran Church in Grafton, WI, has had an active quilting ministry for over 50 years with both women and men participating. There are currently about 12 women and a few men involved in the process. The group meets at church on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 9:00am. Approximately 90-100 full size quilts are lovingly made each year along with several lap-size quilts. The majority of the work is done in quilter’s homes. There are various tasks that do not involve sewing so non-sewers can also contribute. Squares are cut from donated or purchased fabric and bed sheets. The squares are taken home and arranged into patterns and sewn together to create the quilt top. The top, inside batting and quilt back are knotted together by the group at church as they enjoy fellowship while they knot. The final step of finishing the edges is done by quilters in their homes.

Where do the quilts go?

The full size quilts are donated to various organizations such as:

  • Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota
  • The Homeless Veterans Initiative in Milwaukee, WI
  • Boudicca House for women veterans in Milwaukee, WI

The lap quilts are donated to the Cancer Center at St. Mary’s Ozaukee Hospital. If you would like to learn more about participating in the St. John Quilting Ministry, please feel free to call us at: 262-377-0410.

Family Promise of Ozaukee County

Family Promise is part of the Interdenominational Hospitality Network whose purpose is to assist homeless families and single women in Ozaukee County achieve sustainable independence. The mission of Family Promise is to assist those in need to rebuild their lives by providing resources and services to empower those who are experiencing homelessness. Many Family Promise clients have little or no income and often are dealing with a disability. We are also a resource for those who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Since 2016 St. John Lutheran Church, Grafton, has been one of 14 churches in Ozaukee County that house and assist families on a weekly rotation basis by:

  • providing respite after school or work
  • providing home cooked meals
  • providing a warm safe place to sleep
  • providing emotional support to clients

If you or someone you know is at risk of becoming homeless, please contact Family Promise of Ozaukee County at: 262-268-2723 for more information. www.familypromiseoz.org

Pine Ridge Lakota Native American Reservation Pine Ridge, South Dakota

St. John Lutheran Church began its relationship with the people of Pine Ridge, South Dakota, in 2011. Members of St. John Church along with three Cedarburg Lutheran churches (Trinity, Immanuel and Faith) traveled to South Dakota on a mission trip to the Lutheran/Presbyterian Pine Ridge Retreat Center. A group of 10 high school youth and 5 adults participated in what became not just a mission trip to help the people on the reservation, but a transformational journey into the lives and hearts of the people of Pine Ridge.

There have been a number of trips since 2011 for both high school youth groups and adults. During these immersion trips we formed relationships with people of different cultural experiences which is enlightening but also teaches us that we all have similar struggles. As our Native American friends remind us – “we are all related”. We are connected to one another and every creature, in relationship with God, the Great Spirit and Great Creator.

St. John Lutheran Church supports the people of Pine Ridge financially as well as by providing quilts, clothing and prayers. For more information about Pine Ridge Reservation:

